The Five Obstructions – nature-laboratory-technology-graphics-exhibit

The Five Obstructions


Graph­ic Design fore­most is about visu­al­iz­ing infor­ma­tion. And some­times it is nec­es­sary to find new ways of gen­er­at­ing shapes and aethet­ics. Some­times it is even nec­es­sary to for­get about depict­ing infor­ma­tion and just start play­ing – exper­i­ment­ing. Build your own lab­o­ra­to­ry, use oth­er labs for your path of explo­rations to cre­ate pic­tures. Think out­side the box, build a box, become a box. Become aware of Graph­ic Design as a method of sci­en­tif­ic research. Become sci­en­tif­ic – build your own space.

Visuelle Kom­mu­nika­tion

Lehrende: Markus Weis­beck, Adri­an Palko

Teil­nehmende: Car­la Baumeis­ter, Corin­na Lob­inger, Markus Griebl, David San­cho Nov­el­lón, Erik Sachse, Leah Wei, Leonie Lindl, Mar­ta Saave­dra, Raf­fael Geron­az­zo, Ramona Sei­dl, Riley Mac­In­tosh, Stel­la Löv­gren, Vin­cent Delan­noy, Xie Linyou

Marien­straße 1, Raum 101
