Deleted Environments

Deleted Environments

What kind of envi­ron­ment is cre­at­ed when ele­ments are removed from the familiar?

With every revi­sion of a dic­tio­nary, words are cre­at­ed and oth­er words get lost. In this way lan­guage is a pow­er­ful tool for rep­re­sent­ing the (chang­ing) envi­ron­ment that’s sur­round­ing us. How does a famil­iar land­scape look with­out these words?

In anoth­er room an infi­nite algo­rithm appears in a famil­iar and friend­ly envi­ron­ment, rem­i­nis­cent of a child’s birth­day party.

In the third room ‚Echolalia’ is dis­played, an audio­visial per­for­ma­tive Instal­la­tion. Echolalia is a nor­mal devel­op­men­tal stage of social learn­ing that involves the rep­e­ti­tion of vocal­iza­tions made by anoth­er per­son. Echolalia is con­sid­ered a speech dis­or­der after a cer­tain age. Echolalia is an audio-visu­al per­for­ma­tive instal­la­tion test in the base­ment of the Jäger­haus, once lived in by Goethe. It is in a very roman­tic and humid base­ment. It may be harm­ful to your health. Do not stay long. Echolalia is nor­mal. Echolalia is a stage.


Lehrende: Ursu­la Damm

Teil­nehmende: Maud Can­i­sius, Sarah Her­manutz, Rachel Smith

Marien­straße 5, Keller
