Light Show: Kronprinzenpalais

Light Show: Kronprinzenpalais

A site-spe­cif­ic instal­la­tion for the 3rd Berlin­er Herb­st­sa­lon. Light Show — Kro­n­prinzen­palais used scaf­fold­ing sheets in an attempt to trace the path of the sun onto the Kro­n­prinzen­palais gar­den in Berlin. The instal­la­tion was changed dai­ly, reflect­ing a new time of day pro­gress­ing from morn­ing to evening. The sub­mit­ted work is a film doc­u­men­ta­tion, show­ing the com­plete instal­la­tion process for one day (approx­i­mate­ly 1 hour).

Kun­st im öffentlichen Raum und neue kün­st­lerische Strategien

Lehrende: Dani­ka Dákic

Teil­nehmende: Ste­fan Lesueur

Uni­ver­sitäts­bib­lio­thek, Steuben­str. 6/8, Erdgeschoss
