Democratic Eis

Democratic Eis

A mobile Demo­c­ra­t­ic Ice-cream store opened between 11th ‑26th Nov in the kitchen in Kro­n­prinzen­palais. Offer­ing the ide­al recipes for audi­ence to enjoy democ­ra­cy in a short peri­od of time.

The Kitchen became a tem­po­rary stage of hap­pen­ings includ­ed dis­cus­sion, bar­gain­ing and bal­anc­ing wish­es which are referred to indi­vid­u­als desires. (video documentation)

Kun­st im öffentlichen Raum und neue kün­st­lerische Strategien

Lehrende: Dan­i­ca Dak­ić, Anke Han­ne­mann, Ina Weise

Teil­nehmende: Sze Ting Wong

Marien­straße 18, Erdgeschoss
