

Project devel­oped for Desin­te­gri­ert Euch! – 3. Berlin­er Herb­st­sa­lon. A col­lab­o­ra­tion between Max­im Gor­ki The­ater Berlin and the MFA-programme.

In his­to­ry white translu­cent veil cur­tains have been used to pro­tect pri­va­cy, indi­vid­u­al­i­ty and inti­ma­cy and to con­struct the pub­lic image of the actu­al reality.
The artist embroi­dered onto veil cur­tains installed in the win­dows of Kro­n­prinzen­palais in Berlin, the sen­tence “Silence was not t built in one day”, refer­ring to the say­ing “Rome was not built in a day.”, and real­ized a series of per­for­mances in front of land­scapes that deal with silence.

Kun­st im öffentlichen Raum und neue kün­st­lerische Strategien

Lehrende: Dani­ka Dákic, Anke Han­ne­mann, Ina Weise

Teil­nehmende: María Con­stan­za, Car­va­jal Elham Asad­pour, Rafael­la Con­stan­ti­nou, Ahram Chae, Paula Díaz, Devadeep Gup­ta, Ste­fan Leseuer, Asha Lester, Yihui Liu, Cami­la Lucero, Nasir Malek­i­joo, Anna Miedl, Feng Run­ze, Daniel Theil­er, Yi Wei­hua, Jakob Wirth.


Haupt­ge­bäude, Geschwis­ter-Scholl-Straße 8, Treppenhaus
